Nobody wants to be dumped, especially if you think the guy you are with is Mr. Right. But sometimes it happens, even when things seem to be going just fine. It leaves women wondering what they did to deserve being dumped, and what they can do to remedy the situation.
First thing: Hold your head high, and think over the situation. There’s nothing wrong with crying a little and feeling hurt, but you need to be strong and focus on the situation if you really want to do something about it. A strong woman is a desirable woman. If you see your boyfriend at work or school, it will say something to him if you don’t dissolve into tears or run away as soon as you see him.
Try to figure out exactly why you were dumped. Many times, a guy will dump a girl just because he is having second thoughts. Unfortunately, it’s what guys do. They wonder if they’re ready for a committed relationship, or if you’re the right girl. Some guys will dump a girl because they think they don’t deserve her. Men are strange creatures, but you can figure it out. Sometimes the real reason is not the one they gave you, if they gave you one at all.
Even if you don’t know the reason, you can still take steps to get him back. Before you do though, remember that it is a process. You probably won’t get him back in a day. It could take awhile, but if you are right for each other, you can make it happen.
A big part of getting your boyfriend back is knowing what NOT to do.
If you’re good for each other, things will work out. By acting confident and grown up, you heighten your chances of getting him to come back to you. If you get along pretty well with each other, feel connected and really want to stay together, fix it. It is worth it. There is magic in making up. It is hard to find that special person. When you do find them you need to hang on tight through the good and the not so good. You need to come together and not break up. Why break up when you can make up? Remember too, making up can be a lot of fun!